Saturday, March 8, 2014


Well, when you have time on your hands (recovering from surgery), you have time to blog, blog, blog. So, here's some more blogging. I'm finding this recovery from triple hernia surgery one of the greatest physical challenges I've ever faced. Never have I felt so handicapped before. So, I'm trying to keep myself from being too handicapped. I can still blog. Obviously, this surgery fixed a problem I had physically. So now that it is fixed, I'm looking forward to full recovery and challenging myself even more. My goal is to knock several more goals off the list. Time to check them off. So, the next goal is full health recovery, then full physical recovery as in strength and stamina, then complete a triathlon by the end of this year. I'm not talking about some crazy Iron Man triathlon but just a basic beginners triathlon to challenge myself. I want to continue to be a person that establishes goals and complete what I start to hopefully inspire my family (wonderful wife and son), and possibly others who would choose to be inspired. So, with God's help, that is the goal I'm striving for. Praying for full recovery. And there's my blog thought for the evening.

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