I'm curious about something a large population of the world uses on a daily basis and wondering if I have the stamina, willpower, and ability to go without it for a period of time....
No, it isn't food of some sort, television, etc...
It's a little known entity called Facebook....You may have heard of it.
Now I'm not protesting Facebook or trying to deface the global social network in any form whatsoever, like that can actually happen.
I'm just doing a little experiment and trial of my own. The reason is I've fallen into the group of loyal Facebook users where I think I check it on the hour each day. So, I'm just wondering if I can go for some time without it. I've also given the challenge to one of my English Labs I teach on Tuesday night. I informed the students to attempt a period where they do not use Facebook. My instructions were simple. If they can only go 5 minutes without it, and they get the Facebook itch, then by all means sign on. If they can go longer, just as well. I plan to have a critical writing after we return from Spring Break where they respond to this experience. So, I figured I'll try the withdrawal myself.
My goal is to start small. Starting next Monday, March 14th, I will be absent from the Facebook world. If I'm able to go the entire 24 hours, I will attempt to add Tuesday into the time of Facebook withdrawal, and so on. The simple goal is an entire week away from the world of social networking. I'm intrigued to know how much I may be out of the loop of happenings and news in the lives of family and friends in the matter of 24 hours or a whole week.
So, starting Monday, March 14th, in case you really need to get in contact with me, please give me a good ol' fashion phonecall.
Here's to the withdrawal experiment!
I give you two days at best.